Macroconcept: A Cell Phone Camera Photo Story (2020)
This story was created as a submission to a virtual middle school community talent show. I used my digital storytelling skills to showcase my photography passions in a photo story. I hope to someday when I have more time to create another version where I write the poetry or prose myself.
The Need for CS+X
(2020 CSTA Virtual Conference Flash Talk)

Ambassadors for Social Change and Understanding (2017) – Click through slides at your own pace
Final Project for IDEO’s Storytelling for Influence Course (This is a made-up non-profit that may come to fruition someday.)

I Am Change (2014)
When asked to explain why I teach and my approaches in the classroom, this is what I reflected upon in the moment.
Be The Change (2008)
The story of my experience as a participant in On The Verge, a program started to develop young leaders in the non-profit sector.