Get Agile with Creative Computing
CSTA: Cultivating a Community of Learners Summit – September 2021

This session shared tips and tricks on how to use the agile framework to promote student self-efficacy, support student collaboration, and encourage student collaboration in a creative computing classroom. Use the agile framework to facilitate individual learning and learning as part of a group.
CS is Political: Blending poetry, CT, and social impact
CSTA Annual Conference – July 2021

This session explored a computational thinking lesson inspired by poet laureate Amanda Gorman’s inauguration poem. The lesson scaffolds student reflection so that they develop an understanding of computational thinking approaches and concepts while celebrating their identity and relationship to technology and its impact on society. Experience parts of this lesson first hand while exploring the student process and celebrate the end result, The Hill We Climb – Computer Science Edition.
Just Begin: A Design Thinking Journey at The Harker School
Nueva Design Thinking Institute – June 2021

This keynote highlighted the many ways design thinking is infused in The Harker School in computer science classrooms and with staff.
A Tale of Two CSTA Equity Fellows
CSTA San Mateo County Chapter Meeting – May 2021

A conversation about fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion in computer science education with CSTA Equity Fellow, Charity E. Freeman.
Micro:bit + X
CS for CA Teacher Hackathon – April 2021

This feature presentation was designed to inspire and provide ideas to educators with ways they could integrate their learnings from a day of micro:bit exploration into their classrooms.
CS+X: using Computer Science to Connect Your Classroom to the(ir) World
CSTA Equity in Action Summit – March 2021

Computer science does not have to be taught in a vacuum. Not only can computer science be taught as a silo single subject, but additionally it is a powerful tool that can be used to transform all subject areas and connect teachers with their students and their students with the world. Using the CS tools of critical thinking, problem-solving, evaluation, and creativity can amplify the skills that teachers want their students to engage in. CS goes beyond programming, it is an analytical thought process that can enhance every classroom by connecting and engaging students to the ethics, social impact, and the importance of computer science in all disciplines. This session will provide tools, resources, and foster discussion around the integration of CS to any subject.
Complimentary Origins Towards Demystifying Computer Science for Non-CS Teachers
CA STEAM Symposium – December 2020

This presentation answered why it is important to teach Computer Science as a tool in subject areas. If we are not providing access to computer science to all students then we are doing our students a disservice and are perpetuating the systems that keep marginalized audiences from the possibility and opportunity to pursue computer science in a myriad of ways. This presentation will take participants on a journey to uncover why CS is an equity issue that every teacher has a responsibility to embrace in some manner.
Computer Science as Creative Practice and Play
MN Codes Summit – November 2020

Artists, dancers, musicians, and writers are all thought to be creative practitioners that use their imagination or original ideas to produce artistic work. Computer scientists are often viewed as logical, mathematical, computational thinkers that do boring work. It’s time to develop a new narrative that will pique the curiosity of both teachers and students. Computer science is a discipline that can transform and cultivate the creative practices of both teacher and student. Blending computer science with other disciplines and play creates a learning environment where students and teachers learn together and discover creative practices that develop joy and confidence. This session will look at the role of purposeful play as a way to open paths for curiosity, questioning, and productive struggle to bring agency to student learning. We will discuss how to honor the creative practice within the computer science discipline to bring more SEL and equity into the classroom.
If They Play, They Will Learn
Maker Ed Convening – October 2020

Uncover joyful play in computer science as you investigate ways to build a digital playground for your students to engage them as stewards of their learning. You will be encouraged to play with code along the way as we upcycle old projects to activate learning in a new way.
Equitable & Social- Emotional Learning in Virtual Instruction (Middle School)
CSTA Virtual Teaching Summit – September 2020

For remote teaching to be engaging for all learners, educators must consider the academic, career, and social and emotional learning of their students. This requires savvy lessons that focus on equity, incorporate sound teaching strategies, edtech with breakout room capabilities, interactive slides, and be social enough for the most digitally connected students.
A Play Then Teach Approach to Computer Science in the Classroom
San Jose State University K-12 Online Teaching Academy – July 2020

Distance learning requires a flip in the way we engage students with Computer Science material. An alternate approach is to have students explore and question so that they are motivated to learn concepts when it is emergent for them. This webinar will discuss approaches to a play-first methodology for teaching computer science.
Slides | Video Recording
Designing Equity-Focused Professional Development
CSTA Annual Conference – July 2020

Equitable student access to Computer Science begins with equity-minded CS educators. This session will explore three professional development models designed to address equity and access to computer science education. The presenters will share their journeys to creating meaningful professional learning experiences on how to inspire non-CS and pre-service teachers to integrate CS into their curriculum; how to prepare CS teachers to implement pedagogical strategies that establish a positive classroom tone; and how to equip a community of educators to continue growing and learning as CS teachers.
Every Teacher is a Maker
Maker Educator Convening, San Jose, CA – October 2018

This ignite talk (20 slides automatically advanced every 15 seconds) reflected on the landscape of teachers as makers utilizing a design thinking reflection protocol. The audience was taken on a journey of my experiences as a woman and BIPOC in the maker movement and talk about what is missing in the maker culture from my positionality and perspectives. The talk concluded with a vision of possibilities for what making could look like if all teachers considered themselves as makers. At the end of the talk a 5-Day Maker Challenge for teachers to inspire bias towards action for all teachers.
Slides | Video Recording